
Latest News
- Haymarket Media
Brazilian Coronavirus Variant Found in Minnesota

No immediate indication seen that the variant is spreading in the state [read more]

- Haymarket Media
CDC: U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Could Reach 233,000 by End of October

And, dual coronavirus-flu vaccine to start human trials [read more]

- Jennifer Mannheim
Effects of COVID-19 on Treatment Choice for Type 2 Diabetes

COVID-19 may affect treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes and necessitates re-evaluation of medications based on existing evidence. [read more]

- Haymarket Media
Test Vaccine Elicits Strong Ab Response to SARS-CoV-2 in Mice

Microneedle array (MNA) delivery of trimeric coronavirus spike (S) protein subunit vaccines seems promising for immunization against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. [read more]

- Haymarket Media
CDC Broadens Testing Guidelines for Coronavirus

The agency said the patient in California did not travel to a location known to be affected by the virus and was not exposed to anyone known to be infected, [read more]